Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2013-12-11 ... Week 3 and Freezing

It has been such a cold cold and BUSY week!!  Snow everywhere, all the time!  The first few days were BRUTAL because I only had my rubber rain boots for the snow .. and those just soaked up the cold instantly and were so bad for trying to stay warm.  THANKFULLY my awesome companion Sister Hadden has friends in the area that donated a pair of boots to me.  Yes they have a heel, but at least I am not freezing anymore!  Trick I also learned is to wear the thick red socks Jenise, Cameo, and I bought and wearing those under my boots :)

So crazy week this week!  I have met so many people and I love it!  The day after Pday we visited with 9 people!  One of whom is from GUANGZHOU!  Her name is Rae, and she is really ready to be baptized but her grandma won't allow her to.  So we are continuing to meet with her and build up her testimony!!  Lots of prayers for her :)

Another person who is crazy awesome is Moroni!  I learned so much from him, he's basically a scripture-torian who connected stories and parables and such that I never would have put together.  He was less active but he has been coming back to Church and is super strong!  I loved visiting with him and teaching him because he really was teaching mee!

Ugh I can't even tell you all of the AMAZING STORIES I have coming out of lessons this week.  So many wonderful spiritual experiences and just like I know it's true.  Miracles have happened this week!

Like yesterday.  On Mondays we aren't allowed to go out talking to people at night, because of FHE.  So we have our own!  A family invites all of us over and we have a spiritual thought and play a game all together!  I had been really down that day, all of the appointments I could go to were cancelled. I had planned to go on splits and go Christmas caroling with the Sisters in our apartment, but we had a last minute meeting for missionaries on USU Campus (me).  At the time of the meeting, should have been 7 but they pushed it back an hour ugh, we had a lesson.  So I missed that.  Then there was a meeting after that we missed because our ride didn't pick us up.  Thankfully the other companion that had taught the previous lesson taught it with another RM.  SO NOT A GOOD DAY RIGHT?  And I was missing home.  The house of the family was so cute and covered in Christmas lights and ours has nothing.  But what was amazing was that one of the Elders said something that struck a cord in my heart, like it was what I needed to hear.  And I wasn't even hoping for someone to say what he did, it was exactly what my Father in Heaven knew I needed to hear to be positive and end the day on the right note :)  I don't know if that made any sense but IT WAS A MIRACLEEE

Another was today, someone dropped off Christmas Decorations to our apartment!  I am so excited to go back home and make it all cute for the season!! I'll make sure to send pictures!

Speaking of Christmas Spirit ... we had a Mission Christmas Party!  Which was way fun.  Good talks, great food, a TALENT SHOW!!  Our Zone had prepared a Fijian dance.  It was for sure the best talent, by far.  But humility really, we were okay hahaha :)  What was super cool though was I met a man named Brother Benedict, who is the actor in Ephraim's Rescue.  He is such a great man, I was lucky enough to catch him and get a picture (or 12) and talk with him before EVERYONE wanted to.  We watched the movie again which is an amazing amazing movie you all have to watch it!

Anyway I love teaching to real people!  Being able to feel the Holy Ghost and OH MY! In the store the other day a cute cute lady stopped me and told me that there was something different about the way I was acting (waiting in line??) and she said that I have a special light that she doesn't see very often.  She noticed my tag and gave me a hug so excited to see I was a missionary!

And the week before a lady PAID FOR OUR GROCERIES!  And today after our Temple Trip (which was aaamazing) someone put $100 down for our meal at Angie's!!  I'm not sure if it's just Utah or the Christmas Spirit but people are really genuinely nice here!  We have been fed almost every night!  We had a dinner with Bishop/Brother (I don't remember which .. sorry) Draxler who knows the Andersons and Chens from HK!  Crazy cool!  Also question, is there any way that I could be related to a Bishop King here in Logan?  Everyone thinks I'm his daughter because we have the same facial features and he served in Taizhong ............... ??

Sundays are crazy busy.  We cover 2 YSA stakes, thats 16 wards.  So we go to a lot of meetings on Sundays.  But my favorite (other than the Sacrament duuuh) was our Correlation Meetings with our Ward Mission Leaders.  We got so many referrals!

So life is crazy.  And amazing.  Is it weird that those two things can coincide so well?  I have grown to love my companions, it was kind of harder at first because they both have personalities that are SO DIFFERENT than mine.  But we worked it out :)  This is such a lame email full of general things that happened but I can't go through all the stuff in the time I have I'm really sorry!  I love you all so so much :)

Love for always,
Sister King
Wang Jiemei
Juju Jimmie
Mosiah 2:17
Alma 7

(This isn't my whole zone in the picture, only some people were still there when i pulled my camera out .. and i didnt take a lot of pictures this week ... my hands are too cold to come out of my pockets!! ill get better at it i promise)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the Logan Temple is so pretty, especially with our little missionary!
