Wow. Okay so I'm sorry I
haven't had like any time to write anything about anything forever. When
we changed Branches in the MTC on the 27th we lost our Friday P’day. My
new P’Day was set for Monday but that turned out to be the day I left for my
reassignment in Ogden!
So that Saturday I got my awesome
package from Jenise that was my Greenie package (thank you so so much!)
And we had a super great lesson with Sydney, my companions and I totally
changed the way we were teaching and she felt the Spirit very strongly :)
HOORAY But we forgot to invite her to baptism (ugh) but that was okay because
we started the next lesson off bringing that same spirit back and she totally
wants to be baptized! [This is our teacher roleplaying her investigator
from her mission]
The TRC (Teaching Resource Center ... I asked the name ha ha) is so great!
We taught Sydney twice as a progressing investigator, then we had a
less-active teaching experience then a referral experience. That was
really cool because each of my companions and I connected well with each
different appointment. Some people come volunteer, but our referral
appointment was for sure legit non-members.
OH and I got my first referral!
There were Sisters on the floor above us that all speak Chinese and are
from China or Taiwan. Anyway one of the Sisters' families are not active and
she asked us to go see them!! EXCITING!
I found Sister Nightingale's friend
at the Clinic!! She gave me such a big big hug :) It was way
I had to say goodbye to one of my
companions on Tuesday :( Sister Bayart went to Salt Lake City East
Mission! She is already a great missionary and I know she will like never
The MTC in Chinese was a total
different place than the MTC in English. In English it was centered on
the Spiritual lessons and figuring out how to teach. In Chinese the
Elders in our District (we came into a group of all Elders) had more time to
learn all the ways to teach but needed to stress the language. We taught
our first lesson in Chinese and I cried after. It went not well. We
tried really hard, just connecting how to teach and my Chinese didn't happen.
UGH. It got better with practice but it still is a struggle!
Ha ha so with switching Branches we
were supposed to switch rooms. Again. So the night before we
started in the new Branch/class we packed up and brought all of our bags across
campus to my old dorm (because I had stayed there at the beginning right?) and
our swipe cards weren't working. A guard let us into the building, but
then we couldn't get up the elevator [we were struck for like 30 min] and the
stairs were locked by card too!! So we had to turn around and take ALL OF
OUR STUFF BACK AGAIN and unpack at least our sheets and shower stuff. The
next day we had an escort to help with our cards. THEY NEVER WORK THE
FIRST TIME. Sister Finlayson and I figured out if you swipe like 20 times
really fast it works.
EXPERIENCE! We had a morning devotional by Elder Nelson (THE APOSTLE) and his
wife! That was so so cool! The meeting was broadcast to all of the
MTCs around the world! Then we had a meeting where 1 group left to do
service and 1 had a meeting in the gym. I had the service first. My
group packed at least 290 meals for families. They wouldn't give us more
boxes! The goal was 9 boxes and we filled 10 with time to spare. So
we kept making bags and put them in other people's boxes!! Then at the
meeting we had a "demonstration" of what Thanksgiving is and why we
have it. There were groups of missionaries that were puritan men, puritan
women, a minister, Indian women, Indian men, and turkeys. They all had
noises/actions to do when the Sister that was reading the story said their name.
I took a little video so you can see what I mean! That night we all
watched Ephraim’s Rescue, which was a really good movie! And it's a real
story so, wow. Go watch it. I loved toward the end (don't worry I'm
not giving anything away by saying this) how they asked, "Do you have the
strength to lift as you have been lifted?" I think that's kind of my
goal out on my mission. I wanted to come and grow to have the strength to
help others feel the way I do about the Gospel.
Our District's assignment for
service was to help in the Cafeteria. Which was way more fun than
bathrooms. We moved boxes into storage when they were delivered and
passed them down a chute. We also put things into huge fridges and then swept
all around. We also sanitized the tables. It was just better
because we got to all work together and laugh and have fun! Bathrooms are
quite serious. I guess.
TALL is the name of the computer
program that helps you with your language, and it is super effective!!
The Elders in my District have Chinese that is so good! It sounds
like they have been studying for about 2 years, and they have been at the MTC
for 4 weeks!! Their pronunciation is a little funny (but that's totally
okay because they can teach lessons better than I CAN!)
Ugh I have been out of the MTC 1 day
and I miss it!
Fast Sunday was odd. Sister
Finlayson and I went to Sacrament Meeting for both our Branches and that was
really nice. We bore our testimonies in both English and Chinese!
haha. We had a Mission Conference which was 2 hours long, then met
our new Branch Presidency for the Chinese Branch. They were interesting.
The counselors both served missions in Taiwan (!) but the President did
not speak Chinese. During Testimony meeting they were translating for him
ha ha ha :) Sister Finlayson and I ate early (4:00) because we went to
Departure Devotional :( Then we had Devotional where we talked about how
important it is to use the MEMBERS in converting. Which was cool. I
hadn't thought about it.
My District and I watched the
Testament in Chinese. They didn't get anything but I did my best to
translate what was going on... could anyone explain what that movie is even
about?! I was sooo confused!
I said see ya to the Elders and then finished packing my room :( :(
Sister Finlayson is amazing. Just like ugh she really is! I
was super nervous about leaving but she helped me finish getting ready and is
an angel.
I was supposed to leave at 6 but at
5 they paged the apartment and said they were waiting for me. So I really
just threw all my things into my bags and dragged them across campus to get on
the van taking me and 2 other missionaries to the train!! I didn't have
time to take a picture with my Sister Finlayson!!!
We missed the 5:50 train (oops) but
we got on the one that left at like 6:10 and I got to call Mom :) She was
so confused because I kept saying that "My name is Sister King." and
she kept saying, "No my name is Sister King. Who is this????"
The train took a long time, but a
man stopped to help [us with our bags and we found out he served in Taiwan Taipei!
So cool! I traveled with Sister Hala'api'api from Hawaii and an
Elder from Missouri that I can't remember his name. 2 Senior Elders were
waiting for us at the station in Ogden and took us all to the Mission Office
where we met the Mission President, his wife, and a bunch of other people.
My new companions are Sister Wagner
Well I didn't mean to send it so
Anyway my Companions are great!
Super kind and super helpful! We are in a tiny apartment with
another companionship. And yes, just 1 bathroom. After emailing
today we are going to go to Walmart to pick up some food that I like (YAY
POPTARTS) Sister Wagner goes home in 2 weeks so she is like super used to
Missionary life. Sister Hadden reported to the field the day I got into
the MTC... so about 2 weeks!
Last night I taught my first real
person lesson! It went well, I didn't say much but I will get there :)
Today we have 4 appointments (WHAT ON PDAY? yea we never stop) so I know
I will get lots of chances to help out more in lessons! We also had a member
feed us dinner. And another member fed us for lunch. I asked if we
should ask for a referral from her before we left, and they said no. But
I felt like I should and she said she did have some at home and would email us.
My Mission President is really
awesome. When we had our interview he told me what area I'd be serving
.............................. LOGAN! There is a Chinese Branch up here and my
companions already have an appointment for tomorrow with someone from Mainland
China!! I am so excited!
Oh and we are having a Missionary
Christmas Party Friday. And our Zone is getting ready for the talent show
... you are going to love the video.
It snowed last night. Like not
a lot, but it stuck on the ground.
Love you all loads and loads,
Sister King
Juju Jimmie
Matthew 7:7-11
D&C 6
I saw this on the news! Kept looking for our girl, but am so glad to see the missionaries all working together for one, big, huge service project! yea!