QIJI pronounced like chee(se) gee(z) haha
it means miracles!
Yes this week has been amazing! AND CHINESE NEW YEAR
STARTS!! So this is a good/bad thing. Everyone goes home, but
unfortunatly for us a lot of the people we are teaching are younger so home is
.. not in our mission/zone/area. So we are planning on knocking on lots
of doors, eating LOADS OF FOOD and meeting families. We are going to try
to plan for time to call people on the phone and have lessons (?) but it will
be good. We will make this time a busy time ;)
Our ward has already set up a schedule for LUNCH AND DINNER.
Which means if anyone wants to invite us over we eat 2 lunches or 2
dinners. Missionaries have been telling me stories of days they've had 2
lunches then went to 2 dinners right after! Arrg. I'm praying for
my tummy to expand! Also, they feed us either suuper American meals or
suuper Chinese. So that will be interesting to go from KFC to pig
feet!! I am way excited to be in a Chinese New Year! Doing
traditional things and eating traditional food. So far, all the food I've
eaten here has been weird but phenomenal!!
Friday was just full of amazing miracles. We got a
phone call from an investigator that has been worried about her family
disagreeing with her being baptized so she has been slowly not
meeting. But she called, and said I want to follow Jesus Christ and be
baptized. I know he will help me. She had been talking with another
recent convert whose parents don't agree but the recent convert shared her
testimony and then our investigator felt like that's what she needed to
do!! SO GOOD!
Then a less active started bringing her kids to lessons and
we invited her son (10 years old) to be baptized and he said, "Okay, can
we do it now?" SO GREAT! He is so cute, and has read the Book
of Mormon without letting his mom know. She's a returned missinoary and I
just love their lessons because she helps us teach. It is giving her the
chance to build her testimony again! It is amazing to see their family
change. Next step is to get the husband ready! Their daughter is 7,
but she said she wants to be baptized too!
OH AND THE WANG FAMILY! We found them when we went to
a less active who sells flowers. The only reason she's considered less
active is cause she never comes to church. Well okay that's less active,
but her TESTIMONY IS AMAZING. And she is a such a good missionary
haha! Everytime we visit her she invites her customers and friends to
meet with us and bears her testimony :) That's how we found the Wang
Family. We had breakfast with them after we met them and they have such good
questions! We were just going to to How to Being Teaching, but they were
so interested we taught the 1st lesson!!
Anyway Friday. We got that call, then we went to go
see the less active. And got 2 people's numbers that would like to meet
with us to hear about the gospel!! At every red light we split and talk
to the women on motorcycles (if it's just a guy we have to talk to them with
both of us!) and hand out things with scriptures and pictures on them.
They are really useful, but no one ever gives us their number!!! SO COOL!
The week started off really slow, and we kept praying for us
to be able to do the work. And Friday and Saturday were CRAZY BUSY!
I just love how awesome Heavenly Father is in answering the small
prayers. One night we were biking up a long long road and I was just
exhausted and my legs hurt. I realized though that when I needed it most,
there was a red light :) Another night we hadn't gotten a chance to eat
dinner yet and a less active kept giving us food!! It really is the tiny
tiny things that prove to me that He loves me and knows the desires (and
worried) of my heart!
It is exciting for me to be here at such an awesome
time! Markets are full of so many people buying food for the New
Year. Everyone is changing, they have said to me, "It's the New Year
I want to be a better person." Such a great opprotunity to show
people that we have the best way to do that ;) through baptism!!
Sometimes when lessons fall through we call through our APR
(no clue what it stands for but what it means is the people we teach haha) or
we do something called "Corners" and its what it sounds like!
We go up to a light, talk to people, then when the light changes we turn to
right and go to that light and talk with the people waiting at that
light. Then move on! We keep passing out those papers .. I will
take a pic today and send it to you next week :)
Sorry this week is pretty short but I have just lost track
of time!!
I love you all so much!!
Sister King
Juju Jimmie
Wang JieMeiJuju Jimmie
1 Nephi 20:10
10 For, behold, I have refined
thee, I have chosen thee in the furnace of aaffliction.
D&C 84:81-84
81 Therefore, take ye no athought
for the morrow, for what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, or wherewithal
ye shall be clothed.
82 For, aconsider the blilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; and the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these.
83 For your aFather, who is in heaven, bknoweth that you have need of all these things.
84 Therefore, let the morrow take athought for the things of itself.
So proud of our girl, not to mention my awesome husband for posting her letters and making a slideshow of her pics. Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah for Israel!